Camping Fridges & Accessories

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27 Products
Replacement IceCube Fridge Thermometer Probe - 30, 40, 50L FRIDGES
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  • $10.00
  • $5.00
  • $5.00


When it comes to off-roading and overlanding, a 12v off-road camp fridge and freezer in your vehicle can truly change your life. With an overland fridge, your fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats will keep longer. This in turn makes preparing healthier meals with fresh ingredients that much more enjoyable.  You'll no longer be bound to the melting ice in your cooler to keep your food and drinks cold, giving you more time in the backcountry. Instead, you’ll gain the privilege of being able to finish off the day around the campfire with some grilled peaches over vanilla ice cream from your off-road camping fridge and freezer!